I like simplicity and this is it in a nutshell. Create some text files and push them to GIT. How coos is that, managing your blog and deplying it using source control. Nerds say Y.E.S. Here’s how to get a blog up and running in minutes - without paying for hosting or worrying about someone hacking your WordPress site.

#Getting a simple page up on Github Pages. - Log into your Github account - create a new repository called *your_user_name.github.io* - Add an index.html to the repository, commit it and push it up. Use the snippet below if your too lazy to type your own.
	This is my page
- Now goto *your_user_name.github.io* and marvel at your technical prowess! #Now for something more advanced - A Blog Github also supports *Jekyll* which according to rubygems.org is a "simple, blog aware, static site generator. It allows you to set up a folder structure to manage - posts - drafts - includes - styles - layout Then adding content is as simple as adding new files to the folder and pushing them to github. ## Create a new github blog with Jekyll Setting up a new blog is simple. Install the ruby gem, and initialise the site to create a default structure of files and folders. Then push it up to GitHub. you can also run a local server to test your site using jekylls *serve* option - adding **--draft** allows you to see anyting in the draft folder. Here's what to do: gem install jekyll jekyll new your_user_name.github.io cd your_user_name.github.io jekyll serve --draft And just push it to github to test it! ##To create a post Create new html or markdown file using the convention YYYY-MM-DD-this-is-the-title-of-my-post.html Then create add content similar to the snippet. Notice at the top, is the *front matter* which describes the post. --- layout: post title: My Blog categories: thoughts date --- Here are my thoughts for the day. Now push this to your GitHub repo *your_user_name.github.io* Play around with the files in the folder structure and you'll see very quickly what to do.