Vagrant Ubuntu Desktop Server

Create a VagrantUp base image for an ubuntu 14.01.1 Virtual Machine


Create a Ubuntu Desktop Server in VirtualBox

The creation of a virtual machine on VirtualBox straight forward. Just start VirtualBox, click New and follow the instructions with the following details:

Name and Operating System

  • Name: ubuntu-trusty-desktop-64
  • Type: Linux
  • Version: Ubuntu64

Memory Size

  • 2048

Take defaults for the rest

Now click Start the VM, when the machine boots it will ask for a disk image. Select the Ubuntu ISO you downloaded above. Follow all on screen instructions.

Create a new Administrator user called vagrant with a password of vagrant

The installation process will take a few minutes. Once done and restarted, be sure to run an update to get all the latest patched and updates. The script below will install updates.

sudo apt-get update

Install Virtual Box Guest additions

Customise it in any way you want. The following will install Google Chrome Browser.

cd /tmp
sudo dpkg -i google-chrome-stable_current_i386.deb

If an error occurs, run this.

sudo apt-get -f install

Finally, power down the VM

Create the Vagrant base

To package a Virtual Machine created in VirtualBox, set the base to the NAME of the box in VirtualBox.

Note You may need to be in the location of the VM image for this to work.

cd ~/VirtualBox\ VMs/

vagrant package --base ubuntu-trusty-desktop-64 --output

Add the box to Vagrants Index

vagrant box add ubuntu-trusty-desktop-64

Create a vagrant file if you don’t have one already

vagrant init ubuntu-trusty-desktop-64

Distribute the VM

Boot the VM

Test the dsitribution

vagrant up jnyryan/ubuntu-trusty-desktop-64 --provider virtualbox